Gathering resources for rural areas, a national strategy to promote rural entrepreneurship

Going forward with the establishment of more cohesive and interconnected rural communities and as an effort to strengthen the business fabric of rural areas, the National Rural Network of Spain, better known as Red Rural Nacional RRN in Spanish, has presented a series of 18 dossiers collecting the knowledge and tools across all the regions of Spain that are available for young people in rural areas. These resources come from public and private entities and are mainly focused on the entrepreneurship of young people in rural areas to support the reinvigoration of rural communities while tackling depopulation and talent drain.

The main objective of this initiative is to present in the form of different specific documents all the available resources that may be used to start business activities in rural areas.The dossier presented by the community of Extremadura is a comprehensive guide of all the resources available in the region for young people to start their own business and activities and, in this regard, FUNDECYT-PCTEX has presented their availability as one of the many resources presented in the position the RAISE Youth project as part of the opportunities available for young people in Extremadura.

By presenting the RAISE Youth project and its services of training, tutoring, and mentoring to young people, FUNDECYT-PCTEX expects that several new connections with stakeholders from in and out of Extremadura will be stablished. In addition, the methodology could become an important resource that will gather the interest of different organizations from a wide variety of sectors, making it easier to engage with new NEETs while enabling them to stay in their own regions and communities.

This way we expect not only to collect and present the different resources available in Extremadura, but also to tackle the main difficulties detected when trying to start any entrepreneurial activity in a rural context: the lack of a culture of entrepreneurship, fear of failing and the stigmatization derived from not being successful when starting a business.

The dossier presented by Extremadura can be accessed at: