25 Jan The Young People Who Bring Positive Change to Bulgaria – Milen Milanov
Today we are presenting you the first participant in CSCD’s project RAISE Youth aimed at supporting the youth in Pernik Area.
Milen Milanov is 28 years old and was born in Breznik. He graduated BA Media and Journalism and MB Regional Development at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. His professional experience includes working for various news media and also dealing in PR and trade.
How did you find out about the RAISE Youth project?
I found out about the project from social networks and local information sites.
What horizons has the project opened up for you so far?
So far, I can say that thanks to RAISE Youth, I have met many new and young people who are intelligent, ambitious and enterprising. They believe that there are good conditions for developing and starting their own business in our country, and are successful in their fields. The work on the project gave me a chance to participate in the leadership academy “Solidarity with small settlements” of the Institute “Perspectives”, which took place in August last year.
How does RAISE Youth inspire you?
It inspired me to believe that nowadays, it is young people who bring about positive change on a global scale. Arbitrarily or not, we are active participants in the occurrence of many social processes.
Why do you think some young people who neither work nor study are reluctant to take advantage of the opportunities that RAISE Youth provides?
I think this is because they grew up in families with a patriarchal upbringing, where generally accepted stereotypes dominate. They think that in order to give something of yourself, you must then receive something in return. This is practically not the case. In order for a person to be successful, he has to work hard on himself, to educate himself and improve, to prove himself. One cannot expect that life will forever give us everything ready.
What could be done better by CSCD to develop RAISE Youth? What initiatives do you think should be emphasized?
What has been done so far is not small. I believe that in the future our efforts should be focused on more practical training, applicable to the needs of young people in the Pernik region. We need to work in several directions – their integration into social, voluntary causes and initiatives; the acquisition of new competencies on how to properly manage their time, how to prioritize tasks and most importantly – to achieve their goals. They need to realize their role as active citizens in society.
Why should young people get involved in the project?
Because they will learn new, important and interesting things, as well as change their thinking in a positive direction. RAISE Youth gives wings… 😉
What are the biggest advantages of your hometown and its population? What about the biggest cons?
The place in which I live is wonderful because of its nature, as well as because of the many traditions and customs preserved and transferred over time. Here hovers a pleasant Bulgarian Renaissance spirit and a special atmosphere. As a minus, I would point out that the city is becoming increasingly depopulated, and young people choose the capital or the airport as a solution and subsequent path for their development.
What is your favorite dish?
I don’t have a definite favorite dish. I love our traditional food and I want to keep its authentic taste.
What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time I like to travel and rediscover unknown places. I am part of the Amateur Theater in the town of Breznik.