




RAISE methodology is based on development of 5 different RAISE elements namely: RAISE Motivation, RAISE Skills and Competences, RAISE Demo Centers, RAISE Links and RAISE Sustainability.


Each of these components represents a separate unit however while working on them simultaneously, we will produce a unique synergy enabling us to tackle youth unemployment.


Although our work is based on a great amount of international collaboration and knowledge sharing each RAISE element is customized to address peculiarities of a specific target region.

RAISE Motivation

The main objective of this element is to outreach, engage and inform target groups of NEETs and stakeholders. We will identify and motivate unemployed NEETs for participation in RAISE and engage them to be a part of “co-creation” of the project content and approach. The following activities are a vital part of this RAISE element:


  • Baseline Researchto establish baseline values for project indicators and household surveys in order to assess in depth the specific needs and constraints facing rural NEETS.
  • Outreach Eventsin a form of local meetings with a goal to inform and motivate NEETs but primarily through stakeholders and multiplier institutions and individuals – families, employment services, religious leaders, civil leaders, local media, etc.
  • Focus Groups: once NEETs are identified focus groups will begin the exchange with NEETs and their contribution to the RAISE project model  – including types of training and methods used adapted to specific needs (timing, level, etc.).
  • Campaigns to motivate more than 2000 NEETs to participate in the RAISE project skills transfer and training program.

RAISE Skills and Competences

The purpose of this RAISE element is to provide dynamic and innovative learning methods and content in order to increase NEET skills and competences and to prepare them in part for a new employment but particularly for self-employment. The psycho-social wellbeing of participating NEETs, as well as ongoing motivation for advancement and taking action to improve their situation will also be considered.


This RAISE element will address 2000 NEETs with targeted and adapted training in 3 thematic areas Agro, Tourism and Digital, but also Pre Incubation Training which acts as a filter for self-employment readiness and begins a long term relation with NEETS for self-advancement and self-employment.  These areas have been selected as being relevant to rural areas (growth drivers) and realistic to offer NEETs an opportunity to use natural and other resources in their surroundings without large capital investments. Many NEETs will have increased employability solely as a result of these trainings and support, however their link to RAISE centers and follow-up motivation, mentoring and support will help to tip the scales in favour of positive employment/self-employment outlooks.

RAISE demonstration centers

This RAISE element refers to the founding of the RAISE Demo Centers, one in each target country, totalling 4. They are hubs of activity; from training, mentoring, learning by doing, group and individual approaches. A common methodology for RAISE Demo centers is produced but each country adapts program areas to their own specific rural NEETs situation. Agro, Tourism and Digital component are intermeshed in the centers although specific lines of activity for each area are present. Through activities which are taking place in Demo Centres, with our support and guidance, NEETs are developing new tourism offers and integrated agro-business models.


It is expected that these new tourism offers will become recognizable to a growing population interested in social tourism, ecological and healthy food production through the help of new digital technologies and tools e.g. new “apps” developed for promotion and coordination of new tourist routes.


The incubation and acceleration of these ideas in the centers is crucial to bring them to longevity and realisation i.e. to lead to the establishment of at least 80 new enterprises and 200 (self)employed NEETs.


This element focuses on value chain creation and mentoring, transnational and cross sector cooperation including triple/quadruple helix innovations, but also market access and analysis of new products and services created, leading to clustering of new enterprises nationally and broader (EU and globally).


Vital activities of this RAISE element are:


  • creating important new links on a transnational level.
  • creating new links between sectors.
  • outputs of links and exchanges between and within countries for NEETs.
  • policy dialogue which ensures awareness on the policy level of the RAISE methodology and interventions.

RAISE Sustainability

This element provides the framework for the ongoing support for target new NEETs and support for former NEETs by setting up structures and models prepared in prior RAISE elements. By establishing of social enterprises, clusters, network memberships, crowdfarming /crowd funding mechanisms – 40 new products and/or services will be prepared for market giving NEETS involved in the project concrete good practices and encouragement for the future. We will particularly encourage Green Business Models as these contribute to environmental sustainability as well. 


Activities included in RAISE Sustainability element include:


  • Social Enterprise establishment, model feasibility for intra EU cooperation and beyond.
  • Crowdfunding activities and piloting of new crowdfunding/crowdfarming mechanism for the former NEETs’ products and services.
  • Networking locally, regionally, nationally, intraeurope, and globally for sharing the model broadly and integrating knowledge gained from others, particularly in the framework of EEA & Norway Grants.