25 Feb Stakeholder Meeting in Spain
On 28th of January, Casarruebuelos team organised a one-day meeting at the municipality of Leganés to which different stakeholders from different sectors related to youth employment were invited. The meeting was attended by representatives of following organisations: The Red Cross, Regional Public Employment Office – Leganés headquarters, CEIP – Centre for Migrants Integration and Participation, Foundation Manantial – Institution in charge of the integration of people with mental disabilities, Foundation FIE – Institution in charge of Ibero-American people integration, YMCA – Young Men’s Christian Association, Municipal Delegation of Youth in Leganes City Council and Municipal Social Services of Leganes City Council.
During the meeting Casarrubuelos team presented the strategic vision of the RAISE Youth project. The central point of the discussion was the motivation of young people to participate and benefit from the RAISE Youth project activities. All 15 participants expressed interest to participate directly or indirectly in the Raise Youth Project. The first activity in which they want to take part is the training for trainers programme. All participants agreed how this activity would enable better preparation of the professionals that work with young people in the surrounding area of Casarrubuelos. The expected result of this training are further improvements in the sector of youth employment, multiplication the results and consolidation of new training services in the thematic areas (Agro, Tourism and Digital) which are the “growth drivers” that have direct impact on improvement of the employment rates in the rural areas.
All participants also promised to support Casarrubuelos team during the Motivation phase of the Project as they work directly with young people. They explained how young people, especially NEETs, need to be heard and informed about employment opportunities by experts that work with them personally. In addition to this, all the participants agreed that professional attention is in many cases the most important way of motivating young people. In their opinion, this must be supplemented by social media communications made by experts and by other young people.
Other conclusions derived from the discussion were related to the size and format of the training courses that would be organized during the RAISE Youth project. It was concluded how young people nowadays prefer shorter courses accredited by recognized institutions and harmonized with needs of successful companies.