14 May Beekiping course in Bulgaria
By the end of May 2020 young NEETs between 18 and 29 can apply for a free beekeeping training. The training will start on May 30, and classes will be held every Saturday and Sunday in Breznik in Bulgaria. During 150 school hours, young people will learn all the ins and outs of beekeeping, they will learn more about beehives and how to get the most delicious and healthy honey.
Why beekeeping course
The region of Pernik has a rich history of beekeeping and honey production. Many elderly people are still working as beekeepers. The goal of the course is to teach young people to acquire skills so they can produce their own honey and launch new local products thereby also starting their own business.
The renovated RAISE Youth Demo Center will open its doors very soon thus the classes are going to be held there. In the yard of the Demo Center there is a place where 3-4 experimental hives will be placed. This is how the learning by doing method is going to be achieved. The part of the idea is to enable young people to experience the pleasure of creating their own product. Once they see the results, they will feel encouraged and motivated to continue with the realization of their own plans.
Through this course NEETS will acquire new skills and they will be able to secure (self)employment and development of their region. The Breznik area is facing increased depopulation due to its proximity to the capital. Living and working in a small town is becoming more and more challenging but it is also a noble mission of local people.
About the trainer
Ivo Sotirov is a beekeeper with more than 15 years of practical experience. He is a local farmer from the Pernik region. He learnt about beekeeping from his family; first it was as a hobby but soon he turned it into a business. Currently, in addition to honey production he also sells various bee products in his shop.