24 Jun Romanian RAISE Youth online platform
432 Romanian NEETs aged 25-29 have been outreached in Vrancea County at the start of June 2020 and they have been registered onto the Romanian RAISE Youth online platform http://neetsromania.ro/. The platform is open to all Romanian NEETs (aged from 16 to 29), but our main focus are more mature NEETs and their everyday struggles. A special blog section has been created in order to motivate and activate, on a constant base our ‘RAISE Youth NEETs”, where useful information and project updates are being uploaded regularly – http://neetsromania.ro/blog1/ . For the added value of the newly created platform, this online space will be used as a focal communication and learning tool during the upcoming DIGITAL training program. The implementation of this new program which is designed for our target group (500 Romanian NEETs) is planned to commence in July 2020.