19 Oct RAISE Youth Policy Dialogue Event
On October 16th & 17th RAISE Youth Project took part in one of the most important events of Dalmatian hinterland – National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products. For fifteen years the Town of Sinj has been hosting the National Fair which is promoting a traditional way of producing dried meat products with the constant support of all associates, producers, Croatian institutions and renowned experts.
Besides promotion of large variety of traditional products, National Fair of Prosciutto Ham and Dry-Cured Meat Products in Sinj has educational character in the form of workshops where both producers and visitors can get information on the cooperation opportunities, stimulation and funding programmes of governmental and other institutions and development of entrepreneurship.
We saw this event as an ideal opportunity for the exchange of experiences between different stakeholders who play important rolls in the policy-making process in order to contribute to informing, developing or implementing a policy change.
RAISE Youth Policy Dialogue Event gathered different local, regional and national stakeholders including mayor of the City of Sinj and deputy mayor of the City of Gospic, representatives of Split-Dalmatia County, Croatian National Tourist Board, Ministry of Agriculture, Croatian Employment Service, Center for Entrepreneurship etc. Nataša Tramišak, Minister at Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds had a short introduction where she expressed her support for the initiatives focused on the development of entrepreneurship of youth. The emphasis of the event was the exchange of the best practices to raise awareness and influence NEET policy interventions.