27 Oct New Online Tools for Social Service Jam
On the 7th and 21st October 2020 took place the Social Service Jam in Casarrubuelos (Spain) organized by FUNDECYT-PCTEX and CASARRUBUELOS City Council (both partners of this project), and supported as Facilitator by BrainCo Innovation Agency.
This event, initially scheduled in a face-to-face format (before the COVID19 Pandemic), was finally organised as an online session making it a “pilot event” where different online tools were used in order to properly boost the sessions.
One of these tools was: mentimeter.com. It is a web application whose main objective is to interact and involve the audience, as well as to register the results. The way to work is to create powerpoint style presentations in which slides are inserted with different presentation formats with questions. You can register ideas, carry out surveys, receive questions, hold competitions, create tag clouds, etc. The participants respond via mobile phones, tablets or PCs and finally the results can be seen on the screen in real time.
Below, a screenshot were one question was launched to the audience to answer through their cellular phones:

What is your mood? Think you’re a Battery
The other tool used in the Social Service Jam sessions was ideaboardz.com. It is an application that allows teams to collectively brainstorm, gather inputs, reflect and retrospect; easy to set up and use.
Below, a screenshot as example of this tool:

Select a field of interest among the following ones: Tourism, Agro, ICT and Others
The put in practice of an on-line format event of this nature open up new possibilities and ways of collaboration not only for the RAISE DEMO CENTER in Casarrubuelos but also for the other DEMO CENTERS already stablished in Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania.