15 Oct Ioan Finished Eco Farming Certified Training Program
My name is IOAN and I live in Homocea village, Vrancea County. During my high school studies I have followed a car mechanic specialization, but currently I am not formally employed. The day to day money needed for my daily subsistence, I get them by delivering local producers fruits and vegetables directly to the consumers.
When I first heard about the RAISE Youth and the fact that this project wants to help young people – as myself – to develop themselves and to have access to new professional roads – I was very happy! As soon as I could, I’ve registered as a project beneficiary and I’ve been invited by the regional project team to take part to the Eco Farming Certified Training program and now, as a result of this training I am officially an accredited eco farming operator, new profession that surely will open new employment doors for me.
As a practical continuation of the formal training program, at the moment I am actively engaged with the agricultural DEMO centre activities taking place in Vrancea County and I am in charge of piloting a small melons plantation, together with other young people in my region. I hope that our demo sustainable farming melon culture will be a success and this way, I could set a good example for other young people in my village. Also I would like to share the outcomes of this crop with the very poor people living in the region, that can not afford to buy melons for their families. In the future, my intention is to multiply this kind of initiatives and try to gain my money by dedicating myself to sustainable ECO farming.