26 Nov Workshop: How to Start a Family Farm and get EU Funds
A workshop How to Start a Family Farm and get EU Funds took place on November 23rd in the city of Gospić, Croatia. Workshop presented the requirements for registering a Family farm business (cro. OPG) and Rural Development Programme of Republic of Croatia – the measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Croatian agriculture, forestry and processing industry, as well as improving the living and working conditions in rural areas.
Almost 30 young farmers and owners of the small farms attended the workshop. All of them see a great potential of the Lika region in the development of agricultural activities. For this reason RAISE Youth will continue organizing similar workshops in order to encourage the rural development and return of young people to this area.
During the two following days, individual consultations and mentoring was held in the RAISE Youth center. The mentor was RAISE Youth expert for Family farm business and Rural Development Programme of Republic of Croatia, Ana Barac.