29 Jul Collaboration Between Projects Financed by The EEA & Norway Grants
The EEA and Norways Grants finances many kind of social, environmental, educative and youth employment programmes in different European countries, and is always looking for the best ideas for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
As part of its work, the EEA and Norway Grants encourage the connection and cooperation between the different organisations that implement projects subsidized by the fund, with the objective of creating positive synergies between the agents by the establishment of institutional relationships and work groups. This way, we can follow one the main values of the EEA and Norway Grants: ‘Together we achieve more’ – this is, by establishing new channels for the cooperation between the different agents and projects we can have a more deeper and meaningful impact of all the EEA and Norway Grants projects.
With this in mind and convinced that the cooperation and collaboration between different organizations produces much more than only the mere sum of its parts, the Junior Achievement Foundation Spain and RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos have held a formal meeting aiming to establish new synergies and ways of collaboration in pro of Youth Entrepreneurship, the objective of both organisations and their projects ‘Neets in Entrepreneurship’ and RAISE Youth Project, financed by the EEA and Norway Grants.
At the end of July, a first meeting to establish this collaboration between these two projects took place. Different representatives of the Junior Achievement Foundation Spain, RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos and FUNDECYT – Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Extremadura, also partner of the RAISE Youth project in Spain, attended to this meeting, held completely online due to the current mobility restrictions in Spain.
This meeting, possible after many extensive conversations from both sides, proved to be very productive and the broad intention of all participating organisations to establish working synergies and future collaborations in the field of supporting youth entrepreneurship in Spain was reflected.
RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos would like to thank all the present organisations for their participation and proposals. A second meeting has already been scheduled for the beginning of September to continue collaborating and to materialize these proposals for improvement of the employability of our youths.