30 Jan RAISE Youth Croatia Success Stories
Alex happily remembers how a year ago he appeared on the doorstep of the RAISE Regional Youth Center. “The courses provided valuable knowledge and tools that helped me understand the fundamental aspects of entrepreneurship.” The process of building a business plan and the idea of developing...
He is Vladimir Georgiev, and although he is only in his early twenties, he already has his own business in the village, and his ideas for expanding the family farm are endless. He is part of the new wave of daredevils who, while still very...
David Garrido, was one of the unemployed young people who received one of the first trainings in composting and vermiculture that was given in the RAISE DEMO Center of Casarrubuelos in winter 2020. He was also part at that time of the group of young...
Once covered the situation of the young immigrants in Extremadura, as done on the article published on the July issue of the Youth Employment Magazine, it is time to focus on the employment situation of young disabled people in the region. Even though during the...
Lorena in one of the Youths taking part in RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos entrepreneurship programmes, joining as well our mentoring and support programme for young people. RAISE Youth Casarrubuelos begun its process of training and mentoring to Lorena when she signed up to the RAISE Youth Social...
Ana Grgurić is a young entrepreneur who, after graduating from the Faculty of Textile and Technology in Zagreb, decided to return to her hometown of Gospić and start her own business there. The young women from Lika, a rural and underdeveloped region of Croatia, discovered...